The Carnival of Venice is an annual festival, held in Venice, Italy.The carnival ends with the Christian celebration of Lent, forty days before on Shrove Tuesday, the day before Ash Wednesday. The festival is famed for its elaborate masks.
It was first held in Venice in the 11th century and consisted of over two months of revelry, until it fell into decline during the 18th century. It was revived in 1979 with great success and nowadays it is a great excuse to don a mask and costume, parade around the city, enjoy the live music in the main squares of the city, the events organised by the tourist board and is a wonderful open-air festival where everyone can join in. Fantastic costumes are displayed in St Mark's Square and Venice is the perfect back-drop for amazing photographs.
Masks have always been a main feature of the carnival. Venetian masks can be made of leather, porcelain or with the original glass technique. The original masks were rather simple in design, decoration, and often had a symbolic and practical function.
The streets of Venice Carnival were full of people in masks, and no differentiation could be made between nobility and common people. Generally, the costume worn was cloak with a long-nosed mask. Also popular were masked couples, where a man and a woman would dress a allegorical characters.
In the squares street-artists and singers entertain with songs and music from their guitars, the guests of the Venice Carnival.
The Venice Carnival is an adventure worth to be experienced beter if you can do it with a native friend!
It is the most well-known carnival in the world , when somebody says 'carnival' we always think Venice Carnival. This is such a great success for them because that festival is a symbol of their country and many people know it.