8 Haziran 2014 Pazar

Burning Man Festival- Dilara Müstecep

Burning Man which begins on the last Monday in august and ends on the Monday in septemberis a week-long annual event in Black Rock Desert in northern Nevada in US.Also Burning Man Festival is a culture which expanding in ten principles of Burning Man Festival.It takes its name from ritual burning of a large wooden statue in the festival.
ImageTen Principles of Burning Man Festival 
Radical İnclusion:Everyone enjoys in Festival and strangers lookes with favor on. 
Gifting:You can give a gift someone in festival and you can give everything you want. 
Decommodification: Festival community wants to protect gifting-one of the principle  Burning Man Festival- that’s why festival communitydoesn’t accept advertisement and sponsor. 
Radical Self-Reliance:Festival supports people who isn’t self-reliance and festival encourage this people. 
Radical Self-Expression:Festival community think self-expression is the best gift for human soul. 
Communal Effort: Festival supports cooperation,creativity and art. 
Leaving No Trace:Festival respects the enviroment and end of festival participants cleans up festival area. 
Civic Responsibility:Festival supports civic society. 
Participation:Festival committed to a radically participatory ethic. 
Immediacy :Festival overcome barriers which stand between us and a recognition of our inner selves, the reality of those around us, participation in society, and contact with a natural world exceeding human powers.
Participants’s primary concern is survial to maintain health,wellness and creativity in the desert heat.Participants are expected to bring food, water, and shelter and maintain their self-sufficiency that’s why festival community distributes a survival guide to aid. 

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